Simple Expectations
Written By The Community, For The Community
BSides Vancouver is dedicated to providing an awesome event for all communities and community members and this means a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment in any form, and expect all of our conference participants to abide by our common ethos defined below:
Be an ADULT.
Be respectful, polite, honourable, tolerant and a positive contributor to our event and community.
Do not be crass, rude, ignorant or demeaning (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you).
Do not break any laws.
If you are unclear how to act respectfully in public: DO NOT ATTEND BSides Vancouver.
Enforcement, Consequences, and Reporting
If an individual believes someone has violated this Code of Conduct or broken any laws, we ask them to make the conference organizers aware of the issue immediately so it can be dealt with appropriately (rather than post about it online / after the event).
Conference participants violating these simple rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the sole discretion of the conference organizers.
Points of Contact
The following can be contacted in regard to any issues related to the conference:
Event organizers (identified by BSides volunteer badges)
You may also send us your concerns online using the contact form and someone will reply to you within 48 hours.